2023 Spirit and Service Guide | Page 9

Fly Like an Eagle , Sting Like a Bee and JCL : The Muse-ical Points Unity
Volume / Effort Quality of Cheers
Interpretation of Theme


Chapter is disorganized and cheers are disjointed
Chapter does not participate in Spirit
Cheers lack uniqueness and creativity
Chapter disregards the theme in all cheers & props

2-4 5

Chapter acts as one and is very put together
Chapter is loud and clearly demonstrates strong effort
Cheers are creative , inspired and well thought out
Chapter incorporates theme into all aspects of performance
DIY Spirit : Peach For the Stars Points Unity
Volume / Effort Quality of Cheers
Interpretation of Theme
Creativity of Props


Chapter is disorganized and cheers are disjointed
Chapter does not participate in Spirit
Cheers lack uniqueness and creativity
Chapter disregards the theme in all cheers & props
Chapter does not take advantage of DIY theme

2-4 5

Chapter acts as one and is very put together
Chapter is loud and clearly demonstrates strong effort
Cheers are creative , inspired , and well thought out
Chapter incorporates theme into all aspects of performance
Props are creative , show effort , and used in fun ways
Propless : Atalanta Takes the ( Purple and ) Gold Points Unity
Volume / Effort Quality of Cheers
Interpretation of Theme
Creativity of Propless


Chapter is disorganized and cheers are disjointed
Chapter does not participate in Spirit
Cheers lack uniqueness and creativity
Chapter disregards the theme in all cheers
Chapter brought props ( zero points )

2-4 5

Chapter acts as one and is very put together
Chapter is loud and clearly demonstrates strong effort
Cheers are creative , inspired , and well thought out
Chapter incorporates theme into all aspects of performance
Chapter is innovative when unable to use props