2023 Our Life NW Metro Expo | Page 4

Travel Tips for Boomers & Beyond 1:00 PM Our Life Senior Expo Everyone who attends the seminar will be entered in a drawing for a FREE trip !
Page 4 Our Life • NW Metro | Wednesday , September 27 , 2023 ourlifenwmetro . com

Win a Free Tour !

Travel Tips for Boomers & Beyond 1:00 PM Our Life Senior Expo Everyone who attends the seminar will be entered in a drawing for a FREE trip !

Jeanie ’ s Journeys

For the 55 + set , travel can be an excellent way to stimulate the mind , connect with a wider community , and just have fun ! Exploring new environments and meeting new people can help you stay both physically active and socially engaged . Whether the idea is to experience more of the world , spend time with loved ones , or just take a break from the everyday routine , travel can bring enormous rewards . Join Dave & Jeanie at the seminar as they share some travel tips to help you travel smarter !
Dave & Jeanie Johnston
Why Travel With Jeanie ’ s Journeys ?
Focusing on the 55 + traveler , Jeanie ’ s Journeys is a family owned company that specializes is designing unforgettable tours . Designing all her own tours , Jeanie effectively eliminates the middle man and passes the savings on to you ! A former flight attendant with Northwest Airlines and employee of Dayton ’ s Travel , she has spent many years in the travel industry . A Travel Expert , she has been quoted in USA Today , MarketWatch ,
DisneyTips and the StarTribune . Jeanie ’ s Journeys offers are a range of tours from short one night escapes to full blown bucket list destinations like Alaska , Norway and everything in between . Tired of cookie cutter tours ?
Join Jeanie ’ s Journeys on an Amazing ! Affordable ! Adventure ! www . Jeanies-Journeys . com 612-229-5276