2023 Lehman | Page 91


The extraordinary circumstances arising since Hamas ’ brutal assault on Israel accentuate the need for key aspects of AJC ’ s work . We recognize that you may be interested in what you can do to support AJC and Israel in a multitude of ways . Here are some ways you can help .
INVESTING IN AJC ’ S ADVOCACY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA AJC ’ s presence across multiple platforms has the largest reach of any Jewish organization — 3.7 million followers — which generates millions more online impressions . AJC ’ s dynamic content sets the record straight on Israel , calling out fact from fiction and standing up to those seeking to tear down and discriminate against the region ’ s only democratic nation and world ’ s only Jewish state .
ENGAGING GLOBAL LEADERS TO BOLSTER SUPPORT OF ISRAEL AJC , with its unparalleled global advocacy network that includes 25 U . S . Regional Offices , 14 Overseas Posts and 38 International Partnerships , engages with diplomatic leaders and lawmakers from more than 110 nations to mobilize support for Israel , including condemnation of Hamas ; the swift and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas ; and passage of legislative action to fight against anti-Israel terror and extremism .
FIGHTING ANTISEMITIC AND ANTI-ISRAEL VITRIOL ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES The time is now for AJC to leverage its advocacy expertise to work with university administrators toward more supportive campuses — to empower them to issue strong statements against antisemitism ; address tenured professors who spew anti- Israel hate ; build Israel Studies departments ; and counter and prevent antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric and activities with appropriate policies and protocols .
BUILDING SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL THROUGH AJC ’ S PROJECT INTERCHANGE ( PI ) PI introduces the reality of Israel to global leaders , correcting inaccurate , preconceived notions about the Jewish State , and changing attitudes and policies toward Israel . Firsthand experience in Israel positions them to understand the complexity of Israel ’ s security challenges , advocate on behalf of Israel , and combat antisemitism more generally .
INVESTING IN THE PROMISE OF THE ABRAHAM ACCORDS AJC ’ s Middle East experts , with an office based in Abu Dhabi , are on the front lines in opening communications and expanding normalization across the region — efforts that are even more critical amidst the war with Hamas . AJC cultivates partnerships across sectors and throughout the Arabian Gulf , briefs policy and opinion-makers , implements programs to encourage understanding of Israel and the Jewish people , remaining engaged at the forefront of a region that is rapidly changing .