2023 Language Access Compliance Summary Report | Page 7

Also featured in this year ’ s report are important efforts by community-based partners to build awareness of language rights and resources , and innovative models to grow community-based multilingual capacity . These initiatives are paired with important monitoring and technical assistance efforts with City departments . Other important collaborations this year include the implementation of the City ’ s Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard , which centers language access along with other guidelines to ensure accessibility across languages , abilities , and education levels .
There is still work to be done to enhance the quality and efficacy of language access efforts in San Francisco and truly build a language justice movement . City departments can strengthen their language access planning , coordination , and outreach through intentional efforts and adequate resourcing . They can also prioritize remote ( telephonic and digital ) mechanisms for client interactions that they have relied on since the pandemic to relay important information and facilitate enrollment in services and programs . Lastly , one of the most important steps City departments can take is to revise and improve their data collection processes that measure interactions with LEP residents . This would enable a more detailed analysis of the state of language access in San Francisco , which would benefit both City departments and the residents we serve .
San Francisco remains a national leader in language access , though much remains to be done to continue fighting for full inclusion . Building a movement toward language justice requires investment and intention . Our work must be thoughtful and proactive . We must make every effort to remove barriers to participation and actively cultivate belonging .
May our welcoming values be visible in the way we do our work , in the way we treat others , and in the very words and languages that we use to conduct our business ; and may everyone in San Francisco feel a sense of belonging .
Richard Whipple , Deputy Director