S P O T L I G H T : D I G I T A L A C C E S S I B I L I T Y A N D I N C L U S I O N S T A N D A R D
Language Access
When referring to human translation of digital content , the standard directs Departments to prioritize vital information . But what information that Departments make available to the public counts as “ vital ”?
Departments can look to the Language Access Ordinance ( LAO ) for guidance and specific examples . The LAO describes the meaning of vital information in Section 91.5 , “ Translation of Materials and Signage .” This report features quoted LAO content and an explanation about vital information in the report summary section .
OCEIA is available as a resource to Departments during implementation of the standard . Questions about whether specific digital content constitutes vital information can be directed to OCEIA for guidance by emailing language . access @ sfgov . org .
Tools and resources :
Lep . gov : Federal clearinghouse for language access tools and resources .
Plainlanguage . gov : Federal resource for plain language writing tools .