2023 Language Access Compliance Summary Report | Page 40

Implementation Timeline

S P O T L I G H T : D I G I T A L A C C E S S I B I L I T Y A N D I N C L U S I O N S T A N D A R D

New content : All new City and County of San Francisco websites , online applications , and digital content are required to :
Follow San Francisco ’ s equitable design requirements and Level AA of the most recent Web Content Accessibility Guidelines . Provide human translation of vital information in the threshold languages defined by the Language Access Ordinance ( LAO ). Provide vital information for the public at a 5th grade level ( or a summary of information in cases where technical or legal language is necessary ).
Existing content : Departments must ensure that existing content meets these requirements by 2024 .

Implementation Timeline

The implementation structure of the standard includes three major milestones for Departments to complete . The first was reached on November 18 , 2022 , one year after the standard ’ s adoption . By this date , Departments were required to have developed a plan to review existing digital content for compliance with the standard .
The remaining milestones include :
May 2023 May 2024
Within 18 months of the standard ’ s adoption , Departments must complete their review of existing content for compliance . They should follow Digital Services guidelines for accessibility review .
Within two years and six months of the standard ’ s adoption , Departments must correct issues found with existing content . They should follow the Mayor ’ s Office on Disability guidelines for resolving issues . At minimum , this must include a plan to make existing content accessible on request . They must provide a clear way for members of the public to request equally effective access through a reasonable modification as defined by guidelines for ADA Title II .