S P O T L I G H T : D I G I T A L A C C E S S I B I L I T Y A N D I N C L U S I O N S T A N D A R D
On November 18 , 2021 , San Francisco ’ s Committee on Information Technology ( COIT )
adopted the City ’ s first Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard . This landmark standard establishes guidelines that Departments must follow to ensure that their digital products – websites and public-facing virtual content – are inclusive and accessible across a broad range of measures . The standard will hold a vital role in advancing equal access and language justice in the City as Departments increasingly use digital platforms to communicate with the public .
What is Digital Accessibility ?
Digital accessibility is about how to design the digital environment so that everyone can use it and is important for the disability community , such as those with a range of visual , auditory , mobility and cognitive abilities , as
11 well as people with language barriers and English language learners .
Digital accessibility is central to ensuring equity across all City information and services .
The Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard was developed in partnership with the Committee on Information Technology ( COIT ), Digital Services , the Mayor ’ s Office on Disability , and the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs ( OCEIA ).
11City and County of San Francisco , “ Introduction to the Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard ( DAIS ) Webinar ,” presented on October 20 , 2022 , Slides 17-18 .