Dear Eaglebrooke Residents !
If you need a barcode , please go onto Eaglebrooke . net and fill out a barcode request form . Once this is received , the Manager , JoAnna Likar will contact you with a day and time your barcode can be picked up .
Lawn debris needs to be taken by your lawn company or placed out of view of the street or neighboring properties . Lawn debris and trash may only be placed out on Thursday night . When you place these items out , please make sure to not block the sidewalk as residents walk and bike along these areas .
We thank every resident for your patience and understanding during this time . We understand parking has been an issue and we are working with the CDD to correct this . There may be residents who have family staying with them during this time , however parking in the roads overnight is against the Declaration and you may be subject to towing . In order to prevent this , please call the manager and we will make arrangements to have the vehicles parked in a different location on the Eaglebrooke Property to ensure the roads stay clear for safety of those walking and bike riding , as well as emergency vehicles .
Please be sure when traveling through the community you slow down and adhere to the speed limits .
Pets must be on a leash when outside the home . Polk County Leash Law , Section 14-22 states , “ a dog at large is one who is off premises of its owner or custodian and who is not under the direct control by means of a leash , fence , chain or cord of sufficient strength .” Also , on page 36 , Section 4 , Animals and Pets of the Covenants , it states , “ dogs shall at all times , whenever they are outside a Lot , must be confined on a leash held by a responsible person .” Therefore , your Pet must be on a leash at all times . An electronic fence does not mean your Pet may be left outside unattended . Please also be courteous of your neighbors and pick up any feces that may have been left on other ’ s lawns and / or common areas .
Thank you ,
The Board of Directors
eaglebrooke newsletter 13