Cathy and Gaspare LoDuca P ’ 24
Over the last three years , Cathy and Gaspare LoDuca
P ’ 24 have embraced the Fordham Prep community in a number of ways . The LoDucas have been a host family for a student from Dublin , Ireland ’ s , Clongwoods College , as part of the Prep ’ s Global Education program . Cathy serves the Mothers ’ Club as its Treasurer . The couple attends the Prep ’ s Visual & Performing Arts Showcase each winter and spring in celebration of our Rams ’ musical and artistic talents . Sometimes , it feels as if they spend as much time at Rose Hill as their son , Gaspare ’ 24 .
When asked why they enjoy engaging with the Prep community , Gaspare said attending Prep events conjured a familiar feeling from his own high school years .
“ I went to a very similar school while growing up in Michigan , so I immediately felt at home at the Prep ,” he shared . “ As we became more engaged , we felt like the other families sat well with us ,” he continued . Cathy echoed that sentiment , noting , “ The other Prep families share our values .”
Those values and the school ’ s mission also drive the LoDucas ’ desire to be involved . “ Men for others — how do you not subscribe to that ?” Cathy asked . “ We feel connected because of the amount of support that the Prep provides and the environment they ’ ve created for students to figure out who they are and be in a safe environment while doing so ,” she added .
The couple ’ s son is also discovering new interests at the Prep . He was introduced to the vibraphone by Visual & Performing Arts Department Chair Dylan LaGamma ’ 09 , which he plays in the school ’ s Jazz Ensemble . His parents are both surprised and happy that their son , a classically trained pianist , is being challenged to explore new music and new instruments with which he had no experience before arriving at the Prep .
“ One of the things that drew us here is the arts program ,” said Cathy when asked about the couple ’ s decision to help fund the school ’ s Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble . She studied music as a minor in college and her husband is also a huge proponent of the arts .
“ It ’ s all we can do to help make sure the arts keep getting cultivated ,” Cathy explained . “ The arts is something you often see as the first to get cut when school budgets are tight . I love the fact that we could find a way to help the program in some way ,” she continued .
Their son has also discovered a new sport he enjoys — throwing shotput for the track and field team — which fueled their desire to also support renovations for the new Fitness & Wellness Center .
“ The Prep has given my son a sport that he can positively contribute to and feel good about ,” Gaspare began . “ He found a leadership role that he never even considered so I feel like it was incumbent on us to make sure that other students can find this path regardless of their sports expertise . It really is important to treat the whole student , not just their academic side . I felt that if the Prep needed help with the new Fitness & Wellness Center , I was more than willing to donate ,” he added .
As their son prepares to graduate next spring , the LoDucas are determined to make sure that they leave the Prep better than they found it . The Prep experience has opened up so many possibilities for their son , leading them to also support the IGNITE Scholarship Program .
“ We would hate that a young man wouldn ’ t have the opportunity to go to the Prep if they really wanted to , especially if they felt that it could be a place where they could grow and thrive ,“ Cathy said , adding , “ we see how much our son is truly growing into a wonderful young man ; we thank the Prep for fostering an amazing environment and hope that others have the same opportunity ,” she concluded . n