2023 Forage Guide | Page 18

Alfalfa blend

Master Blends : Pasture High Moisture Zone

15 %

Alfalfa blend

Special use

Dualmaster *


Equimaster II




* Can be used for stockpiled forage ( standing fall-saved pasture or deferred grazing )

Forage production tips

A productive forage crop requires careful planning . Consider the following preparation , seeding , in-crop and harvesting factors to increase the success of stand establishment and longevity .
Soil : Identify the soil type and consider the impact of soil factors like flooding , drainage , pH , texture and salinity that may affect establishment , productivity or species / variety selection .
Weeds : Control winter annual , biennial and perennial weeds like Canada thistle , quackgrass , white cockle and scentless chamomile in the two years prior to planting a forage crop . Pre-harvest glyphosate applications are useful .
Previous crop : Excess trash can cause challenges with forage establishment . Consider this in the fall prior to a spring planting .
16 High Moisture