( De ) signs of the times

Woody President & CEO HH Architects

5 church design trends I ’ ve observed — and what ’ s driving them

# 1 : Hospitality / gathering ▲
One of the key discussion points our team has with house-of-worship clients is focused on hospitality and gathering spaces . This conversation is taking place because so many churches don ’ t have enough of this type of space . While the main purposes of these areas are for people to engage with one another , we often consider several factors , such as the flexibility of the space , small gathering meetings and community group spaces . These areas could include some classrooms for use by community groups throughout the week . Design for the hospitality and gathering space should be attractive to all age groups . Instead of a dedicated preschool / children ' s building , or a dedicated youth facility , or a dedicated worship area , these can be designed to be places where entire families can come together .
# 2 : Outside + indoor / outdoor ( transitional ) fellowship
When COVID struck and mandatory social distancing requirements were implemented , the idea of using outdoor spaces for church events really took off — for teaching , hospitality and recreation . Outdoor video venues gained traction , as did pavilions , amphitheaters , terraces , and patios . This trend continues . Many churches are opting for a hybrid approach , meaning an indoor / outdoor transitional space . These spaces often open into large courtyards or outdoor plazas as extensions of the interior spaces . To ensure they are transitional , we ’ ve used retractable glass walls / doors . churchexecutive . com CHURCH EXECUTIVE 3