Priorities .

Does budget drive your mission , or does your vision drive your budget ?

By Jake Drown
Budgets are usually the first thing you think of when you hear the word “ steward .” There are many facets and challenges to being a good steward . What about vision and mission ? Both are vital to our success , yet all too often they seem to be left on the back burner . Vision tells us where we are going ; mission tells us how we will get there . Just when you think you have the two dialed in , here comes their arch nemesis : a budget ! The latest , the greatest , the most expensive ( said no one ever ), the most reliable , the most affordable , the most cost-effective — your vision was so clear , your mission so strong . Then along came these troublemakers and their friend , budget , diluting your best laid plans .
Let ’ s get our priorities straight The budget ’ s job is to fund the mission that supports the vision , not the other way around . If you allow the inverse to take place , you often end up with dismal results and / or analysis paralysis .
What on earth does any of this have to do with designing for engagement and technology ? Everything . Sure , we love to talk tech and all things AVL ; but before we can do that , we need to understand your vision . Aligning your projects priorities with your vision will allow you to steer your mission and plan within the guardrails of your budget . When vision gets in the driver ’ s seat , mission becomes the vehicle , and budget becomes the co-pilot . We have put together a free and simple online tool to help you prioritize so you can execute your vision . You can access the tool 2 different ways :
1 . Use your phone camera to scan the QR code below :

The budget ’ s job is to fund the mission that supports the vision , not the other way around . If you allow the inverse to take place , you often end up with dismal results and / or analysis paralysis .”

2 . In a web browser , visit csdus . com / priorities .
About CSD CSD Group has been helping churches answer the right questions for more than 30 years . Established in 1989 , Custom Sound Designs ( CSD ) is a design-build integration company specializing in Audio , Video , Lighting and Acoustic systems for a variety of settings — houses of worship , board rooms , auditoriums , classrooms , outdoor venues and more . From our headquarters in Fort Wayne , Ind ., to our branches in Fort Worth , Texas and Colorado Springs , Colo ., we have not only built a network of industry professionals across the United States , but also a portfolio of successful projects and lifelong relationships spanning more than 48 states .
Jake Drown serves as Senior Designer & Marketing Officer for CSD Group . A second-generation pastor ’ s kid , tech guru and audio aficionado , Jake brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique understanding of the intricate balance between vision , mission , budget and technology within ministry .
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