2023 BRAND ADVISORY SERVICES - January | Page 5


Throughout our Advisory Services relationship , Naomi and Charlene will be your guides .

Naomi McDougall Jones is a 13x award-winning Hollywood Filmmaker and author .

She ' s spoken at film conferences and festivals around the world , and her TEDTalk , What ' s it ' s Like to be a Woman in Hollywood has been viewed over a million times .

As a storyteller and futureweaver , Naomi has helped hundreds of authors and filmmakers to bring their stories to life .


SanJenko is a 2x Indigenous founder , impact producer , and media visionary . In the mid-90 ’ s Charlene worked in a privately owned brokerage firm in the investment services industry . Now , she brokers impact .

She is able to see the End Game , synthesize the gifts necessary to enjoy the greatest leverage , clarity , and traction , energetically communicating a clear yet expansive call to the collective whole .

Naomi McDougall Jones , Hollywood Filmmaker

regenimpactmedia . com