issue area reports | employment and labor law sponsors : Sen . Rebecca Saldaña and Rep . Amy Walen
This is another bill with noble intentions but flaws which make it unworkable . As introduced by Rep . Walen and Sen . Saldaña , the bill deals with wage replacement for workers who are undocumented and thus not eligible for unemployment insurance . All workers generally have the necessary documents to work — a social security number , work visa , etc . — but they are ultimately determined inaccurate when someone is laid off . So when that person loses their job , they are unable to collect unemployment . Those workers can ’ t tap into the UI system , because that ’ s a federal conformity issue . This bill would set up a separate system , starting with $ 200 million from the general fund ( but which would likely cost much more than that ) to pay for these workers who can ’ t collect unemployment . But there ’ s a Catch-22 . Once employers are made aware that their workers qualify for this alternate system , that creates knowledge that they are not accurately documented , and they can ’ t be hired back . The true solution to this problem is real immigration reform , which has long been one of AWB ’ s priorities . These bills did not move out of either chamber . and with the workers ’ comp system already suffering from a lack of doctors , this could prompt some to quit . The bills also don ’ t have enough sideboards or parameters to project the video . Can patients post these videos to social media ? Where is a chain of custody to ensure the integrity of the video and audio recordings ? AWB was able to push for amendments to the bill that improved it somewhat , by adding a sevenday notice period of an intent to record before the scheduled visit . HB 1068 passed the Senate 31-16 and the House 67-29 .
HB 1137 / SB 5368 return to work nonprofits placement
Failed / AWB supported sponsors : Rep . Gina Mosbrucker , R-Goldendale and Sen . Karen Keiser , D-Des Moines
This bill would have helped both small businesses and their neighborhood charities by expanding the state ’ s Stay at Work program , allowing employers
to place individuals who were eligible for light duty into work at nonprofits . Workers would still receive a salary and instead of convalescing at home ( which can make it harder to eventually return to work ), they would stay in the workforce while contributing to a worthy nonprofit . One of the primary causes of injuries becoming permanent disabilities is the failure to get back to work . These bills did not pass out of their chambers of origin . This was a missed opportunity .
SB 5454 / HB 1593 expanding workers ’ compensation coverage for ptsd affecting registered nurses
Passed / AWB Opposed sponsor : Sen . Annette Cleveland , D-Vancouver
This bill , again , has a laudable goal of supporting nurses with PTSD . However , the bill is a dramatic and costly expansion workers ’ compensation
HB 1068 / SB 5212 independent medical examinations
Passed / AWB Opposed sponsor : Rep . Dan Bronoske , D-Lakewood
This bill allows injured workers to film doctor visits during the independent medical examinations that are part of injury claims . This presents several problems . Doctors raised concern about recording because it creates an adversarial situation ,
Rep . Eric Robertson , R-Sumner , is ranking member of the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee . Rep . Liz Berry , D-Seattle , chairs the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee .
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2023 9