2023 AWB Legislative Review | Page 6

2023 Washington State Legislative Leaders
2023 legislative review

2023 Washington State Legislative Leaders

Sen . Andy Billig D-Spokane Senate Majority Leader
Sen . John Braun R-Centralia Senate Minority Leader
Gov . Jay Inslee Democrat

AWB Staff

Rep . Laurie Jinkins D-Tacoma Speaker of the House
Rep . J . T . Wilcox R-Yelm House Minority Leader
Kristofer T . Johnson President
Dave Mastin Vice President , Government Affairs
Amy Anderson Government Affairs Director , Education , Workforce , Health Care , Federal Issues
Bob Battles General Counsel & Government Affairs Director , Legal Affairs , Liability Reform , Employment Law , Workers ’ Comp Reform
Mike Ennis Government Affairs Director , Transportation , Water Resources , Land Use , Regulatory Reform
Emily Shay Government Affairs Director , Tax & Fiscal Policy
Peter Godlewski Government Affairs Director , Climate Change , Energy , Chemical and Solid Waste Management , Water Quality
Britney Martin Government Affairs Operations Project Coordinator
6 association of washington business