issue area reports | budget and taxation
SB 5721 advanced aerospace training credit
Failed / AWB Supported sponsor : Sen . Matt Boehnke , R-Kennewick
This bill would have established a B & O tax credit for aerospace manufacturing training and education expenses paid by employers . The bill would have invested in the training and education of a skilled workforce , and strengthened the relationship between training programs and employers , helping support Washington ’ s ambitious goal to double the manufacturing base in the next 10 years . The bill passed out of the Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee but stalled in the Ways & Means Committee .
HB 1484 updating estate tax exclusion
Failed / AWB Supported sponsor : Rep . Ed Orcutt , R-Kalama
AWB supported this effort to update the exclusion amount for the estate tax and the CPI index adjustment . The exclusion amount is supposed to be adjusted annually for inflation but has not been updated since 2018 . The bill would have restored a working inflation index for the state ’ s estate tax . Unfortunately , the bill never made it out of the House Finance Committee .
SB 5565 tax and revenue laws
Passed / AWB Supported sponsor : Sen . Mark Schoesler , R-Ritzville
This is a technical correction bill that eases compliance burdens on taxpayers and increases efficiencies in the state tax code . Initially , AWB did not support the bill due to redundant language and need for clarification in some sections . AWB worked with the prime sponsor to fix those sections and move to a position of support . Both chambers unanimously passed the bill .
HB 1834 reconciliation returns for apportionable income
Failed / AWB Supported sponsor : Rep . Amy Walen , D-Kirkland
AWB brought forward this bill , which would have modified penalties and waivers for the reconciliation of apportionable income for determining B & O tax liability .
Sen . Matt Boehnke , R-Kennewick , is ranking member on the Senate Human Services Committee .
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2023 31