2023-24 | Page 27

in both modernity and history . This focus on a mass of contradictions overshadows the poem ’ s ‘ I ’, which is rare and only appears to speculate on what ‘ I have heard ’ or what ‘ I have personally known ’, not to reveal themselves . This highlights a problem with allowing ‘ witch ’ to become an identity term as Sexton means it , as this risks making it harmfully monolithic , grouping women together for the sake of it . Instead , if we are to hear individual women , Willis argues that we must know the witch ’ s variety , but we must not let it erase other voices in the process .
Knowing the witch ’ s history of contradictions , we must consider how active reclamation may be achieved . For Willis ’ s speaker , we require a new language of liberation , stating in the final line :
When all the witches in your town have been set on fire , their smoke will fill your mouth . It will teach you new words . It will tell you what you ’ ve done .