2023-24 | Page 23

suffering remain , and whether these women , such as the German Margareth Los or Elisabeth Mader , received justice is unknown but unlikely . The modern woman poet knows this and cannot change it , which Chasin ’ s poem reflects , as the speaker is unable to stop ‘ the grim bird who cries / admit ! admit !’. Instead , they witness history being split into ‘ Human smells and promises ’, a legacy of suffering that we are still rationalising centuries later .
Chasin ’ s method of understanding the witch ’ s history is to localise the violence against her , confining evil within one physical and poetic space . Today , the Witch House is the only visitable place in Salem with direct ties to the witch trials , and Chasin ’ s interest in this is tangible . The term ‘ witch ’ only describes the house , and as the speaker stresses that ‘ Evil roosts here ’, she condemns the surviving proof of the witch ' s pain . Carol Ann Duffy ’ s ‘ Circe ’