Dear Dog Lover ,
The highly anticipated 146th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is finally here – WELCOME .
The Westminster Kennel Club is excited to continue its celebration of dogs with enthusiasts from across the globe . Our annual dog sports competitions of conformation , agility , obedience , and Junior Showmanship remain the centerpiece of the club ’ s efforts to promote canine companionship , responsible dog ownership , and breed preservation . The Club is deeply committed to the dog community and breed education with these four days of competition , featuring 200 + breeds to shed light on the diverse strengths of mankind ’ s best friend and to help you find the best breed for your family .
As a non-profit organization dedicated to the sport of dogs , the Westminster Cares efforts are an important tradition of the organization . Over the years , we have provided meaningful support to numerous organizations focused on dog health and welfare . As well , at Westminster , we believe that dogs can provide a unique companionship with the power to enable and heal . Accordingly , we support organizations that train dogs to work with the blind , work with veterans working to overcome the effects of PTSD , and empower individuals with injuries that need assistance . Humanity would not have been able to explore and expand without the help from our canine friends . They help us every day , and we at Westminster support the organizations that enable the special skills of the breeds to improve all of our lives in miraculous ways .
We look forward to welcoming dog lovers to our Westminster Week events either in person , online or on FOX Sports . A love of dogs is at the core of the organization , the dedicated preservation breeders , and the audience , making Westminster Week a special gathering filled with tail-wagging fun and top competition .
As we open this year ’ s postponed Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show , we are reminded that the competition has taken place for 146 consecutive years . The Club has been fortunate to have been able to host its event each year through the complex history of our nation – in times of profound challenge and sadness and in times of prosperity and hope . We want to thank our exhibitors , partners , fans , and viewers for their support over these many decades . Without them , we would not be able to do the good work that we do today .
Darrell W . Crate President Westminster Kennel Club