2022 WKC Official Program | 页面 45

Since March of 2020 , our nation and the world has faced truly challenging times as we have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic . Early on , New York City , the home of the WKC Dog Show and show office , was an epicenter in the battle . The first responders and health professionals were working assiduously to care for so many in need . To support these efforts , and further the Westminster Kennel Club mission , the WKC Board of Governors approved a resolution for WKC to donate to the following entities to support NYC in the fight :
COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund To support health care workers and various other parties affected by COVID-19
FDNY COVID-19 Emergency Fund A fund set up by a $ 100,000 grant from the FDNY Foundation to directly assist FDNY personnel and their families in this crisis
EMS FDNY Help Fund To assist our front-line responders with PPE gear and supplies in this COIVD-19 battle New York Police Foundation Earmarked to help provide PPE equipment to officers
NYCPBA ( Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York , Inc .) Widows and Children ’ s Fund To aid family members of those officers who die due to the virus
ASPCA To assist the ASPCA ’ s commitment of $ 5M to the COVID-19 Relief & Recovery Initiative and the establishment of a $ 2M to the Emergency Relief Fund . The purpose of these efforts is to help animal welfare organizations / facilities and establish regional pet food distribution centers starting in NYC ( in a partnership with PETCO ) to provide emergency relief to at-risk pet owners and their pets .
Animal Care Centers of NYC A local 501-C-3 directly aiding NYC pets , their owners , and animals in need .
Again in 2021 , Westminster supported Purina ’ s Purple Leash Project with Red Rover by donating the proceeds from the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show ’ s on-site merchandise store . The Purple Leash Project was born out of Purina ’ s mission to bring and keep pets and people together and works to make domestic violence shelters pet-friendly . Spectators and handlers are encouraged to wear purple lapel ribbons to show their support for the cause at the dog show .
Each year Embark Vet donates $ 10,000 to canine health research in the name of the Westminster Best in Show winning dog . This year in the name of Wasabi , the Pekingese , Embark donated to the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation . The Westminster Kennel Club has contributed to this organization for decades and is proud to offer ongoing support at the event .
Proceeds of the sale of the Misha Lenn Collection ( including umbrellas , t-shirts , and mugs ) went to the American Heart Association in support of their A Healthy Bond for Life pet initiative . This initiative highlights studies that have shown pet ownership may help increase fitness levels , relieve stress , lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels , and boost overall happiness and well-being . Pets also provide social support , which is an important factor in helping you stick with healthy habits .
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