2022 WKC Official Program | Page 36


MR . ALVIN W . ENG of Rocklin , California is like most dog owners , in that he began dog obedience training out of necessity .
Superstar obedience dogs and their handlers will compete in the 7th Annual Masters Obedience Championship at Westminster as part of the 146th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show presented by Purina Pro Plan ® held on Monday , June 20 , 2022 .
The sport of dog obedience demonstrates a handler and a dog ’ s ability to work as a team . A judge evaluates the team ’ s performance as they navigate through a set of exercises designed to test the dog ’ s ability to follow commands . Some exercises include heeling off-leash , hand signals to stand , down , and sit ; come to the handler ; retrieve over a jump ; broad jump ; directed retrieve ; directed jumping , and scent discrimination .
The title of Masters Obedience Champion is awarded to the top dog in this invitation-only competition . The top 200 dogs based on AKC Obedience Trial Champion points earned between a specific period will be invited along with the winners of the previous year ’ s Masters Obedience Championship , AKC Classic , and AKC National Obedience Championship . Only 25 entries are accepted for this limited competition . This year ’ s event will continue the tradition , like agility , of including mixed breed dogs enrolled in the AKC ’ s Canine Partners program .
Dog obedience competitions began in the mid-1930s . Westminster first staged obedience exhibitions , and test classes in 1939 and 1940 , and legendary trainer Blanche Sanders directed demonstrations in 1947 and 1949 . Westminster had another obedience demonstration in 1956 . It wasn ’ t until 2016 , combined with the added space provided by an expanded venue , that Obedience returned to Westminster .
The Masters Obedience Championship is a unique event in the sport of Obedience in that it consists of two rounds of AKC-approved exercises . One round will contain Open B exercises , and the other round will have Utility B exercises . First through fourth placements will be awarded in each round , with the highest-scoring team from either round awarded High in Trial . The Masters Obedience Champion will be determined by the combined individual qualifying scores from both rounds . The Westminster Kennel Club donates $ 5,000 to honor the winner of the Masters Obedience Championship to an AKC training club of their choice or the AKC Humane Fund .
In 1991 , Alvin and his wife Audrey bought their first dog together shortly after they were married . The dog was a sweet but ill-mannered English Springer Spaniel puppy named Cruiser . Cruiser was quite a handful , and Alvin was ready to return him when the breeder suggested an obedience class instead .
Through dog training , Alvin fell in love with Cruiser and the sport of dog obedience . To Alvin , growing the special bond between dog and owner is the best part of dog obedience .
Alvin has trained many English Springer Spaniels for competition . His dogs have won the US Pepperoni Western Regional Novice Division in 1997 , competed at AKC National Obedience Invitationals , and been awarded the Top Obedience Springer for many years by the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association ( ESSFTA ), the parent club of the breed .
Alvin began judging in 2001 and has enjoyed assignments in the United States and Canada , including judging national events like the 2009 National Obedience Invitational and 2013 AKC Juniors Classic . This is his first judging assignment at Westminster .