As the only dog show telecast live in America , the Westminster Kennel Club continues its mission to educate the public about the 200 + breeds and varieties . Some breeds only register a few hundred each year with the American Kennel Club . Long in history , yet short in numbers , these rare breeds are the result of the work by preservation breeders who over decades have ensured the health and well-being of these historic breeds of dogs .
American Foxhounds were one of the first dog breeds developed in the United States . They are generally quite intelligent , light-hearted and jovial , making wonderful companion dogs .
George Washington was keen to the traditional foxhunt importing English Foxhounds from native British soil . As with most British traditions brought to the U . S ., the American Foxhound was derived from the English Foxhounds and trained to hunt over the roughest conditions and across the vast landscapes of North America . Contrary to the English style of hunt , the American hound will hunt either individually or in a pack . The American Foxhound is an athletic scenthound that is bred to hunt .
For more information about American Foxhounds visit this breed club website , akc . org / dog-breeds / american-foxhound .
American Foxhound
Skye Terrier
The Skye Terrier originated centuries ago on the Isle of Skye in Scotland . Skyes were bred by farmers as working terriers to exterminate vermin . The Skye ’ s short , sturdy legs were well suited for digging , and the double coat served as protection from injury and weather . The loyalty and devotion of a Skye is unsurpassed , being a delightful companion , canny and alert protector of the home and master . The breed can be seen with either drop ears or have ones that stand up like feathered bat wings . For more information about Skye Terriers visit the national breed club website , stca . us .