This will be my last article as chair of the Social Committee . My term on the Board expires next month at the Annual Meeting . I ’ d like to take this opportunity to say how much I have enjoyed working with the Committee as well as assisting with the event planning at the Club . The work of the Social Committee is invaluable to help us provide the interaction among members that is the heart of our success .
Many thanks to the members of the Committee who have helped plan the recurring Seafood Buffets , wine tastings , Prime Rib nights , Parents ’ Nights Out , Luaus by the pool , Members ’ cocktail party and so many other events enjoyed by all ! A special thanks to Deborah Goglia who organizes all these events and executes on producing them month after month .
We have many events scheduled for September and into the Fall , so stay tuned for updates . Please see Deborah ’ s article in this newsletter for more specifics , and please make sure you are on our email list to receive updates from the Club . Contact the main office to make sure you are on the list to receive weekly emails on the following :
• Tuesday | Social Member Events + Food and Beverage
• Friday | Friday News from the Club
Thank you for the opportunity to serve . I ’ ll see you at the Club !
By :
Steve Grist
Chairman , Social Committee