Oats , wheat , peas and more
The bulk cereal seed division of Nutrien Ag Solutions produces , sources and directs thousands of tonnes of seed every year to farmers . Many of the varieties are dual purpose for livestock feed or food processing . The varieties come from a multitude of breeding programs and can be Proven Seed brand or other public varieties .
Contact your local Nutrien Ag Solutions retail for information on bulk seed lines and varieties available in your area .
Guarantee quality with Certified Seed
There are lots of reasons to choose Certified Seed when making decisions for next year ’ s growing season .
Certified Seed comes with guaranteed varietal purity , which means predictable yields , emergence , standability , disease and insect resistance and maturity . The benefits of Certified Seed go beyond reliability . With Certified Seed growers can be confident that they are buying clean seed with the latest genetics . When a Certified Seed variety is grown , producers know the quality can be traced back to the seed grower . Along with peace of mind , the use of Certified Seed can open premium market opportunities to growers .
Not only does Certified Seed benefit growers , it helps to ensure the future sustainability and quality of
Canadian seed through funding research into new seed varieties .
Registering new seed varieties in Canada is a strenuous process . Each new variety must prove its merit – in the form of improved agronomics , higher disease tolerance and increased yield potential . Canadian growers benefit when new and improved varieties are brought to market .
The use of farm-saved seed may appear to come without cost . There are actually multiple hidden costs : the lost commercial value of the crop , potential lost market opportunities , along with the costs associated with carrying inventory , cleaning , transportation and testing .
Certified Seed is a high quality investment that comes already tested and guaranteed . At Nutrien Ag Solutions , we recommend that growers consider choosing the superior genetics of Proven Seed varieties to achieve maximum production potential . Choosing to grow Certified Seed also supports industry research and development of new and improved varieties that will help improve crop production and result in higher yields in the future .
To learn more , visit seedgrowers . ca / farmers
44 Cereals