Acres of options
At Nutrien Ag Solutions , we want to help you grow a productive forage crop . Our impressive line-up of Proven Seed forage products are backed by industry leading genetics and expert agronomic advice . Balancing the feed requirements of your herd with cost and the agronomic requirements of your growing conditions , you need solutions that will help your operation thrive . With our extensive forage seed offering , we have an option that fits your acres . Set yourself up for success with trusted forages from Proven Seed .
The HPS ® brand
Developed for our forage seed products , the HPS brand is the common seed line from Nutrien Ag Solutions . It provides forage growers with coverage under the best warranty in the industry and the same high-quality standards as our certified seed .
Quality assurance
When selecting seed lots for our forages careful consideration is taken to ensure you have the highest level of success possible . Proven Seed forages , including Master Blends and hps-branded varieties , conform to the rigid purity standards of less than 10 weed seeds per 25g .
The number of weed seeds per bag of seed can greatly impact the quality of a forage stand in the long term . Only top quality seed goes into our forage seed bags .
Proven Seed Master Blends
Western Canadian growers looking for the highest levels of consistency , purity and quality in forages will want to consider a Proven Seed Master Blend . Developed over decades , these blends have been custom designed for prairie conditions and refined to provide you with the best quality forages .
The quality you ’ ll find in Proven Seed Master Blends is the product of our commitment to forage variety evaluation . Each of our seed varieties is bred , tested and managed under the strictest quality assurance program . The results are forage blends that live up to the highest standards for stand establishment and top quality results .
Choose from two Proven Seed Master Blend categories :
• Hay : Designed to fit the most common forage requirements of most prairie growers and ranchers . Alfalfa blend range : 0-90 %.
• Pasture : Selected for hardiness , yield , regrowth potential , forage quality and salt and traffic tolerance . Available for both high and low moisture zones .
Proven Seed
Certified Seed
Common Seed
To talk to our forage experts , call 1-800-661-3334 or email forage . seed @ nutrien . com . For more information or an electronic copy of the Proven Seed forage guide , visit ProvenSeed . ca / forages or ask your local Nutrien Ag Solutions retail .
36 Forages