OLD WOMAN Ego sum sola , et desiderium mei . Volo amico . ( I am lonely and miss my family . I want a friend .)
TOM She said that she is lonely , that she misses her family and wants a friend .
Tom , this is freaking me out .
Wait here .
MARK Tom . Tom , what are you doing ? You don ’ t need to be friends with everyone-Tom .
Um- hi . ( Tom types into his phone and reads in broken Latin .)
Est nomen meum Tom . Ego sum Amicus . - a friend . ( My name is Tom . I am a friend .)
( The Old Woman circles Tom . Tom uses the google translate to capture the audio .)
OLD WOMAN Tom , vos fuisse , missis per deos , ut a me , ut amicus . ( Tom , you have been sent by the gods to me as a friend .)
What did she say ?
That I ’ ve been sent from the gods to be her friend .
OLD WOMAN Sed ego melius esse amicum tibi . ( But I will be a better friend to you .)
But she will be a better friend to me .
( OLD WOMAN intensifies . Tom and she understand one another . Mark tries to see the translation but is too frightened to get near enough to actually see .)
OLD WOMAN Tom te aegrotant , et mori . Dii ostensum mihi est , quod morbo diffusa in corpore , et non esse quod non est remedium . ( Tom you are sick and are to die . The gods have shown me that disease has spread throughout your body and that there is no cure .)
( Out of ear shout of Mark ) You know .