2022 October Newsletter 2022 October Newsletter | Page 10

Finally , we are getting to that great time of year that is perfect to get out and enjoy the golf course . Temperatures are lowering slightly and the stickiness in the air is fading . We will continue to have a consistent weekly mowing pattern throughout this month and begin to see signs of less growth from the Bermuda grass .
We ended the summer with a lot of rainy weather . This slightly set us back on our weed control program , but we are still ahead of this time last year . Beginning this month , we will continue with another round of preemergent applications to stop the cool weather weeds from popping up . This application will take us through the winter , leading to our application in late February . Timing is critical with these applications based on temperature and rainfall . A week or two makes a huge difference in stopping a problem before it becomes a big problem .
The maintenance staff will be looking into starting some of our winter projects this month as well . We will begin by digging out and expanding some of the smaller sand traps on the course . We will also repair any bunker faces that have washed out or collapsed after the heavy summer rains . Once the repairs have been made , we will freshen up the traps by adding new sand . People are calling for a wet and cold winter , but hopefully the heavy rains stay away and allow us to do some of the bunker projects that are planned .

Wes Parker

10 eaglebrooke newsletter SEPTEMBER