2022 October Newsletter 2022 October Newsletter | Page 7


The Superintendent ’ s Cut

The LGCC maintenance team has officially welcomed the Fall !! The weather the past few weeks has been near perfect and has allowed the team to catch up on a lot of mowing and different cultural practices . The lower day and nighttime temperatures have calmed the grass and has since stopped growing as significantly as it has been all season long .
The weather has been very mild and dry , which has allowed the team the ability to dry the course . Normally , during the summer months the weather tends to stay hot and humid which in turn keeps the playing surfaces more saturated from the higher humidity and requires more water to fight off stress . This time of year , the grass requires less water to survive throughout the day and allows the course stay harder and dryer throughout the season .
The LGCC maintenance team has been working diligently the past few weeks on getting the green speeds quicker , we believe we have accomplished our task and look forward to providing all our golfers with fast , firm and consistent greens for the rest of the Fall and into Winter .
The LGCC maintenance team looks forward to the month of October for events such as our One-Day Member / Member , the Project Horizon Tournament and the SVU Invitational . We look forward to hosting these events and look forward to seeing the member engagement throughout the month .
Please do your part and help our maintenance team keep the course in the best shape possible by replacing your divots and repairing your ball marks . Not only will this enhance your experience , but it will also go a long way for the golfers behind you who may find themselves with a great lie on the green only to find their lie riddled with un-repaired ball marks . Provided on the carts are bottles of sand to refill your divot and ball mark repair tools are for sale in the pro shop .
If there are any questions or concerns regarding the course , please do not hesitate to stop me when you see me around the property and ask . And as always , we are continuing to work hard in order to provide you , the members , with the best possible playing conditionsin the Valley !
By :

Jake Valintino

Superintendent & Interim General Manager