2022 March Newsletter | Page 5


The Superintendent ’ s Cut

COURSE UPDATE : The LGCC maintenance team is optimistic the Winter weather has left for good , and the beautiful Spring weather is here !
While we are experiencing gorgeous weather here at the course , the maintenance team has begun mowing various playing areas . Greens are currently being mowed at a minimum of once a week and rolling practices will begin in the immediate future . The goal here is to get the greens back up to Spring speed . An early topdressing may occur , this will be based purely on weather experienced and having the time to conduct the cultural practice . The fairways are slated to be mowed very soon , if not by the timing of this current newsletter . The golf course was ‘ put to bed ’ in good condition and we are expecting to hit the ground running once soil temperatures reach their appropriate threshold .
The LGCC maintenance team has been working diligently on removing dead trees around the property and we are glad to report we are almost finished with that project . After all the trees have been removed the team will begin the process of stump grinding and filling the voids to ensure proper playing conditions around those areas .
The team is still on track to remove and replace the new fairway yardage markers before the Spring officially comes to the valley . The yardage markers are finally in stock here at the club , so implantation should follow here in the next few weeks .
If there are any questions or concerns regarding the course , please don ’ t hesitate to stop me when you see me around the property and ask . And as always , we are continuing to work hard in order to provide you , the members , with the best possible playing conditions in the Valley !
By :

Jake Valintino
