2022 LAO Compliance Summary report OCEIA | Page 44

Website Translation and Localization
In November 2021 , the Committee on Information Technology ( COIT ) successfully adopted San Francisco ’ s first Digital Accessibility and Inclusion
Standard . The standard was developed in consultation with various Departments , including OCEIA , and lays out Citywide guidelines for the measures that Departments must take to ensure equitable access to City digital services and web content . The policy states that all new San Francisco websites , online applications , and digital content are required to “ provide human translation of vital information in the threshold languages defined by the
Language Access Ordinance .” The policy also encourages translation of materials for languages that are not currently defined as threshold languages in San Francisco .
Translation of Vital Documents
Departments should continue coordinating translation of written materials with support from bilingual staff , language services vendors and community-based organizations . Departments should also prioritize coordination of quality analyses for these materials ; the Language Access Network of San Francisco ( LANSF ) identified the need for evaluative quality control measures in its 2021 report entitled “ Speaking from Experience : How the Language Access Ordinance Can Better Respond to the Needs of Limited-English Proficient
Speakers Accessing Public Services in San Francisco .” This could include maintenance of relevant glossaries , clear protocols for content review by multiple parties , and relevant training on quality control and culturally appropriate translation .
Committee on Information Technology ( COIT ), “ Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard ,” November 2021 , https :// sf . gov / reports / november-2021 / digital-accessibilityand-inclusion-standard .
Committee on Information Technology ( COIT ), “ Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard ,” November 2021 , https :// sf . gov / reports / november-2021 / digital-accessibilityand-inclusion-standard .
Language Access Network of San Francisco ( LANSF ), “ Speaking from Experience : How the Language Access Ordinance Can Better Respond to the Needs of Limited-English Proficient Speakers Accessing Public Services in San Francisco ,” 2021 , https :// caasf . org / wpcontent / uploads / 2021 / 11 / Speaking-from-Experience-LAN-Community- Assessment-full-report . pdf .