2022 LAO Compliance Summary report OCEIA | Page 22

In-Person Interpretation
In-person interpretations dropped by 90 % since the previous fiscal year , from nearly 173,000 to 17,420 . Cantonese interpretations dropped dramatically by 94 %, and Spanish by 85 %.
Of 17,420 total in-person interpretations , 11,302 ( 65 %) were in Spanish , 4,168 ( 24 %) in Cantonese , 850 ( 5 %) in Mandarin , 566 ( 3 %) in Filipino , 269 ( 2 %) in Vietnamese , 124 ( 1 %) in Russian , and 141 ( 1 %) were in other languages .
While it is not possible to ascertain the cause of this fluctuation , many inperson events may have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Shelter in Place ( SIP ) order . The decrease in LEP in-person interactions could reflect a broader decrease in in-person events during this period .
In-person Interpretations by Language , Over Time
Total In-person Interpretations by Language