2022 KeHE Cares Impact Report | Page 10



Coming Alongside Others in Good Work

Every year , 50,000 + women and girls are trafficked in Nepal . KeHE Cares has partnered with Restoring Hope Nepal for twelve years in the good work they do to fight human trafficking by rescuing girls from these horrors and providing safety , healing , hope , and a future .
Restoring Hope ’ s current rental home can only house 15-20 girls . KeHE Cares has come alongside them to buy land and begin construction on a new , permanent home that will care for more than 120 women at a time . The new facility will also serve as a holistic care and vocational training center for the women .
The home is scheduled to open in the spring of 2023 !
Artist Rendering
Safe House Under Construction
Gift funded expansion of new high school building in South Africa including auditorium , gymnasium , classrooms , and cafeteria .
Medical care funding in Honduras supported the employment of two doctors and one dentists for the next three years