The Membership Committee would like to thank the LGCC management team especially Deborah Goglia for their outstanding new member achievements in 2021 . Starting in 2021 , LGCC began tracking new membership on a NET GAIN basis and should have near 20 new net gain members for 2021 . This is the first time we have had a positive gain in membership for many years . Great job and let ’ s keep this positive momentum going in 2022 and beyond .
To be a sustainable club going forward we will need to continue to add positive net gain in membership for years to come . To help facilitate this growth , we need the membership to participate and help present the club to potential outside people . Cliff Easum , our GM , will create an exclusive “ Membership Referral Gala ” for all members who refer a new member to our club in 2022 . This gala will celebrate your help in January 2023 . This will be an outstanding event which I am sure everyone would like to attend and will include a fabulous meal and prizes for attendees .
To help the membership see our accomplishments in member growth , the Membership Committee is instituting a “ 25 for 25 Membership Campaign ” which targets a net gain of 25 new members through 2025 . If we meet or exceed this goal , we will have a very sustainable club in the future .
LGCC has made significant strides in 2021 with the golf course and activities coming out of the Covid pandemic . We will have additional improvements in 2022 at the pool and tennis facilities and increase major events for all club members to participate in and enjoy !
So let ’ s all make LGCC the best club value and “ Jewel of the Valley ”.
By :
Kevin Burke
Membership Committee Chair