2022 Fordham Prep Annual Report | Page 33

Mr . & Ms . Anthony Frascone P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . John E . Freel P ’ 23 Mr . William Gafner P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Michael A . Gallagher P ’ 22 ,’ 23 ,’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Paul C . Gallen P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Stephen E . Gallucci P ’ 22 Dr . & Mrs . Ian Ganly P ’ 24 Ms . Sheila Garcia P ’ 24 Mr . & Ms . Joshua A . Gatmaitan P ’ 25 Mr . & Ms . Darrell Gay P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Paulus F . Gerrits P ’ 23 ,’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Robert Gibson P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Sven O . Gierlinger P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Eric P . Gies P ’ 20 ,’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Angus B . Goble P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Antonio Goncalves P ’ 24 Mrs . Norma I . Gonzalez P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Ricardo Gonzalez , Jr . P ’ 25 Mrs . Leslie Goodwin P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Scott L . Gramling P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Vincent R . Greco P ’ 20 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Sean M . Gregory ’ 94 , P ’ 24 Mrs . Jeannette E . Griffenkranz P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Daniel J . Griffin ’ 83 , P ’ 22 ,’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Gary Griffiths P ’ 22 Dr . & Mrs . Stephen R . Grimm P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . James R . Grogan ’ 90 , P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Dave E . Guerrero ’ 91 , P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Eric L . Guhring P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . James W . Guy P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Tyler B . Hale P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Eric E . Handler P ’ 22 Mr . & Ms . Timothy K . Harris P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Daniel M . Hatola P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Brendan J . Haugh P ’ 22 Ms . Ann R . Haynes P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Christopher W . Healy ’ 85 , P ’ 17 ,’ 21 ,’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Rafael Herrera P ’ 22 Mrs . Deirdre Hester P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Kenneth J . Heuer P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Chris E . Higgins P ’ 20 ,’ 24 Mr . & Dr . James G . Higgins P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Marcus A . Higgins P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Michael C . Hogan P ’ 22 Hon . & Mrs . Robert K . Holdman P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Edward V . Homola ’ 92 , P ’ 22 ,’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Timothy J . Hook P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Christopher C . Hooper P ’ 20 ,’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Brian Hunn P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . George Hunt P ’ 20 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . David C . Hunter P ’ 21 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Patrick Huvane P ’ 15 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Thomas Iannarone P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Christopher L . Irving P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Cameron M . Jackson P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Chris Jackson P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Ryan S . Jennings ’ 93 , P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Richard J . Jensen P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Robert W . Johnson P ’ 18 ,’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Alfredo Jones , Jr . ’ 94 P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . Duane P . Joseph ’ 90 , P ’ 23 Mr . & Ms . Emmanuel Kanne P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Nicholas C . Katsoris ’ 84 , P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Craig Kazmierczak P ’ 25 Mr . & Mrs . William T . Keane ’ 86 , P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Robert P . Keating P ’ 22 Mrs . Celine A . Kelly P ’ 16 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . James B . Kelly , III P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Brian Kennedy P ’ 06 ,’ 14 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Joseph B . Kennedy P ’ 19 ,’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Michael Kennedy P ’ 17 ,’ 19 ,’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Karl P . Kilb P ’ 22 Mr . & Mrs . Nathaniel King P ’ 24 Mr . & Mrs . Gary S . Kortye P ’ 21 ,’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . David Korzenik P ’ 23 Mr . & Mrs . Michael Kravatz P ’ 23



Mr . Paul Avery and Dr . Urania Poulis-Avery P ’ 23 , are pleased to support the Fordham Prep educational mission based on Faith , Scholarship and Service . The Averys recently made a generous donation to the Prep ’ s Classroom Technology Initiatives that will involve the installation of new projection boards , projectors and speakers , HDMI installations , and new digital whiteboards .

Dr . Poulis-Avery , a clinical psychologist , stated , “ I think if you ’ re able to , why wouldn ’ t you support education , especially here at the Prep ? I think it ’ s such an important basis for how your children approach life .”
The couple , parents of Fordham Prep student Nicholas Avery ’ 23 , have found the school to be a welcoming and supportive educational environment for their son . They are proud of Nicholas ’ s educational achievements and have enjoyed cheering him on at his cross-country and track meets . Mr . Avery feels that Nicholas has benefited greatly from the Prep ’ s diverse student body , with boys attending the Prep from many different walks in life and geographic points throughout New York City and the metro area .
The Averys have been impressed with the ways in which the Prep fosters the Jesuit mission of cura personalis — care for the entire individual — in addition to humility and service to others . When asked why he felt connected to Fordham Prep , Mr . Avery , a graduate of Georgetown University , stated that the Jesuit Grad at Grad “ has stood the test of time .” “ It ’ s a very steady rudder ,” he added . “ You can feel the difference when you are with a bunch of Prep students who ’ ve had a certain grounding ,” noting the benefits of an education focused on developing qualities rooted in Ignatian values .
Interestingly , Mr . Avery has found time to read many of the books assigned in Nicholas ’ s English classes , realizing their value for himself as well . It ’ s no wonder , then , that the Averys decided to bestow their gift to the Prep in memory of Mr . Avery ’ s late father , John Avery , a devout Catholic and supporter of educational and Catholic institutions . “ Education was very important in my family and Paul ’ s family ,” said Dr . Poulis-Avery , explaining further their reason for giving .
Realizing how much time Prep students spend in school rather than at home drove the Averys ’ desire to help make the educational environment at Fordham Prep the best it can be . “ Everybody gives back in their own way ,” Dr . Poulis-Avery stated , recognizing all the hard work put in by the parents , teachers , and staff at the Prep . “ We ’ ve been very impressed with how much time people donate ,” she added .
The Averys have frequently attended Fordham Prep Mothers ’ and Fathers ’ Club events and have been regulars at the school ’ s annual Igniting Our Mission galas . The Averys wish to recognize Father Devron ’ s great leadership at Fordham Prep and his success in enlarging the school ’ s endowment . They wish Father Devron the best in his new position as President of Regis High School . n