2022 February Newsletter | Page 9


The Superintendent ’ s Cut

COURSE UPDATE : The LGCC maintenance team would like to be able to report more progress with oncourse projects . However , as you all know , the course has been under snow / ice cover for much of the month .
Once the ice and snow melt , the team plans on continuing the tree work including tree removal and trimming low hanging limbs around the property . Yardage markers will also be installed in the fairways . We will be removing the current markers and replacing them with in-ground disks , which will be color coated to represent the distance from the green . The cart paths will also be painted to coincide with the new yardage markers placed in the middle of the fairways .
If there are any questions or concerns regarding the course , please don ’ t hesitate to stop me when you see me around the property and ask . And as always , we are continuing to work hard in order to provide you , the members , with the best possible playing conditions in the Valley !
By :

Jake Valintino
