2022 Conference Brochure with Session Descriptions 4-5-22 | Page 11


KEYNOTE : Being More Than One Thing , Finding More Than One Way Wednesday , April 27 , 7:00 - 8:00 “ What ’ s been important in my understanding of myself and others ,” Fred Rogers said , “ is the fact that each one of us is so much more than any one thing .” As helpers who serve children , families , and other helpers , what we do for the human beings around us – young or old – is often so much more than just our job descriptions and titles . When the conditions around us limit what we are accustomed to doing , we can all find our resilient and creative ways to be helpful . The ways we learn and grow are rooted in the human relationships we build around us .
Presented by : Junlei Li , Dana Winters Main Topic : Family Engagement , Connection and Support OA Approved


Conflict Resolution in Preschool ( Conscious Discipline ) Thursday , April 28 , 8:00-9:30 This session will provide attendees with information on problem-solving strategies used with Conscious Discipline . Participants will gain insight and reflect on adult self-regulation skills . Content will introduce tools for conflict resolution in preschool settings . The session will provide steps on how to help children and staff manage their emotions to further learning outcomes .
Presented by : Kenedria Thurman Main Topic : Child Guidance and Behavior ; Social-Emotional Development ; Conscious Discipline OA Approved
Creating Conditions for Success Thursday , April 28 , 8:00AM-9:00AM This session will coach participants through a critical thinking methodology developed by The CAYL Institute on becoming advocates for themselves as early childhood education practitioners , and for the children and families served in their programs . Participants will focus on identifying and addressing challenges and moving towards timely , relevant , and immediately actionable solutions . Participants will come away with a solid understanding of how to apply this methodology in response to challenges facing them in their daily practice .
Presented by : Amanda Storth Main Topic : Professionalism , Leadership and Ethics OA Approved
Creative Strategies for Staff Retention Thursday , April 28 , 8:00AM-9:00AM In this session the presenter will share the national research around staffing shortages in education in comparison to the current challenges at the Child Development Council of Franklin County . Specific strategies that have improved job satisfaction and retention at CDCFC will be provided . These include community building , wellness programs , recognition , tracking for promotions , tuition benefits , professional development , microtrainings , utilizing technology , connecting through social media , coaching , supporting classrooms with challenging behaviors , honoring our diversity , and connecting to the www . oaeyc . org / conference