2022 Conference Brochure with Session Descriptions 4-5-22 | Page 34

and Learning through Play OA Approved
Bringing Farm to Early Care to YOUR Program Saturday , April 30 , 2:30-4:00 Whether or not you have a green thumb , this training is for you ! Join this session to learn about Farm to Early Care and the many ways it can benefit your early care and education program . Participants will walk away with a completed work plan , evidence-informed resources , and action steps on how to get started on implementing all three key elements of Farm to Early Care : local purchasing , gardening , and food-based education . Those who attend will also learn from programs that have already started this work and how to join the Farm to Early Care movement !
Presented by : Carol Smathers , Ali Segna Main Topic : Child Health and Nutrition OA Approved
Communicating Professionalism : Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk as an Early Childhood Educator Saturday , April 30 , 2:30-3:30 You never get a second chance to make an outstanding first impression . This session will take a deep dive into communicating professionalism as outlined in NAEYC ’ s Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators : A Position Statement Held on Behalf of the Early Childhood Education Profession . Participants will engage in visiting topics including specific strategies on how to raise the bar on how we can best communicate professionalism . Particular focus will include : formal and informal verbal and nonverbal communication competencies , identifying appropriate ( and inappropriate ) comfortable yet professional attire , and using technology to help ensure that you are viewed and respected as the polished early childhood professional that you are !
Presented by : Christina Mirtes Main Topic : Leadership , Professionalism and Ethics OA Approved
Creating an Outdoor Nature Play- Based Classroom Saturday , April 30 , 2:30-4:00 Take a tour through our outdoor nature playbased classroom . See how you can transform your outdoor space into an oasis for your preschoolers while recycling to keep costs down . Fun , creativity , discovery , exploration , challenges , and diversity are included while incorporating learning standards .
Presented by : Rochelle Barchick Main Topic : Nature-Based Learning
Emergent Writing in ECE Saturday , April 30 , 2:30-3:30 This session provides a hands-on look at emergent writing featuring simulation and hands-on activities starting with an overview of the reading rope , what is it , how is it learned , and how we can support emergent writers during the day .
Presented by : Hayley Venturino Main Topic : Language and Literacy Development OA Approved www . oaeyc . org / conference