2022 Complete Golf Catalogue WEB | Page 10


1 . Players tee off , pick the best ball and play from that spot . You must use each player ’ s tee shot at least two times . The person whose tee shot is selected does not hit a second shot . Every other team member hits their next shot from the location of the chosen tee shot . Continue the procedure until the ball is holed out .
• Through the Green : Place a tee in the ground within 12 " on the ball ’ s position . The ball may be lifted and cleaned . All players now play their shots within a 12 " radius of the marker tee .
• On the Green : Mark your preferred shot with a ball marker . All putts are now from this marker , not nearer the hole .
2 . If you are playing as a fivesome , members of the team should take turns sitting out a hole , making a four member team per hole .
3 . Fivesomes are not eligible to win first place men ’ s , women ’ s or mixed teams but are eligible to win longest drive , closest to the pin , and straightest drive .
Each team will record scores on one scorecard . The score should be recorded under the name of the person whose drive is used so that you can keep track of the number of tee shots used . Please be sure to appoint an official scorekeeper for your team . Please return your scorecard to The Shop at the University Golf Club when you finish your game .