www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2022 CHAMPIONS - Edition 66
What is “ Persistence ” in this context ? Well , Computer Vision works well when it only has to look at one frame of video to do its job . “ There is a cat in that picture ” is something Comput- er Vision is good at .
However , things that require the computer to look across multi- ple frames are much harder – that ’ s Persistence . As an exam- ple , people dancing and people fighting look about the same to a computer . A computer can
tell if a person is wearing a ski mask or carrying a crowbar , but it ’ s hard for it to tell if a person is opening a door with a key or forcing it open with a small hand tool .
This is where humans come in . In a well-designed , low latency system , you can now take all of your videos , from all of your cameras , all of the time , and pump them through a Comput- er Vision system . That system can look for suspicious behav-