Around the
It has been hot , but the courts are still full ( usually early in the day : - ). The storage shed at the upper courts is for all members to use and where pickleball nets and equipment are stored . Would you use a ball machine to hit tennis balls ? Let us know ! We are working to get a machine stored in the shed for all members to use .
Come join any of the following groups to play . Newbies are welcome and we have paddles to loan . Feel free to reach out to the contact names for each day , if you have questions :
Pickleball for All
• Mondays at 9:00am ( contact : Sue Piepho at suepiepho @ gmail . com )
• Wednesday at 5:30pm ( contact : Leslie Straughan at lastraughan @ juno . com )
• Saturday at 9:00am ( contact : Sue Piepho at suepiepho @ gmail . com )
Guests and non-members must pay the $ 5 / day court fee in the blue boxes at the court entry gates . Over two years the club has collected over $ 15,000 to seed the court renovation fund . We still have a long way to go , but all court fees count !
By :
Natalie Garvis
Finance Committee Chair