Charting the uncharted
Destination 2025 : Our Five-Year Strategic Plan
Most big adventures start with a destination in mind . For us , that ’ s Destination 2025 . But the best mountaineers will tell you there ’ s so much more to any worthwhile goal than reaching the summit . It ’ s the getting there that makes it an adventure in the first place . At Children ’ s Colorado , we know that well . As we ’ ve continued boldly trekking toward new destinations , we ’ ve come up against our fair share of challenges . But each one has taught us something and showed us that we are much stronger and more resilient than we ever knew . And despite hurdles — downed trees in the trail , big river crossings , moments where we couldn ’ t quite see the path forward — we ’ ve remained focused on our true north . Our mission to serve any child that needs to be healed serves as our compass , keeping us ever trained on the path ahead .
Exceptional Outcomes 6 Domains of Quality
Diversity , Health Equity and Inclusion
8 2022 AT A GLANCE People