2022 'ASTORS' SHOWCASE EDITION September 2022 ISSUE 63 | Page 69

agency expects higher traffic during a particular season , like Rec- reation and Parks departments may face in the sum- mer , then mobile units may be dispatched to mon- itor key assets amid heightened threat risk .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2022 - Edition 63

Natural disasters can be un- predictable security threats , so a proactive security plan is essential to protect against pos- sible damage . Storms , electri- cal failure , wildfires , and oth- er natural threats also present challenges to physical security .

Mobile surveillance units can be placed at natural di- saster sites to protect and de- ter threats such as looting . As threats evolve and adapt , so must the measures organi- zations use to combat them .

The security of local , state , and federal government assets deserves the highest priority , certification , and in- novation .