2022 'ASTORS' SHOWCASE EDITION September 2022 ISSUE 63 | Page 113

cations . However , widespread adoption remains to be seen .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2022 - Edition 63

Common misconceptions are prevalent , including the perception that the solutions are expensive , that they pro- vide unreliable connectivi- ty issues , and fear over how employees and the public may react .

Artificial l intelligence ( AI ) and machine learning ( ML ) are arming robots with the tools they need to be self-directed , insightful , and better at an- ticipat- ing and respond- ing to develop- ing situa- tions .

With robotics technology aug- menting human resources , operational challenges can be addressed more easily .

Enablement of this partner- ship between man and ma- chine requires a highly re- liable , cost-effective , and innovative wireless mesh network suitable to deploy mobile robotics in the public safety arena that supersedes the other options in the mar- ket .

Robotics to the rescue