2022 'ASTORS' SHOWCASE EDITION September 2022 ISSUE 63 | Page 44

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com September 2022 - Edition 63

Professor Alexander has lec- tured in ten countries , including to law enforcement and mili- tary officials , including at the National Intelligence Universi- ty , NATO s Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism , Il- linois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center , Oregon Fusion Center , Michigan State Police , and Northern California Regional Intelligence Center , among others . on the subject , which includes : Family Terror Networks ( 2019 ), The Islamic State : Combating the Caliphate Without Borders ( 2015 ), Business Confronts Ter- rorism : Risks and Responses ( Wisconsin , 2004 ) and Terrorism and Business : The Impact of September 11 , 2001 ( Transna- tional , 2002 ).

Professor Alexander worked as a consultant to the World Bank , Or- ganization of American States , homeland security firms , and in- vestment companies .

Since first publishing on ter- rorism in 1991 , Professor Alex- ander has written several books