ACADEMIC DEGREES AND TITLES : 2014 : Academician - Full Member ( Oriental Studies ), National Academy of Sciences of
Republic of Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia 2010 : Corresponding Member ( Oriental Studies ) of Academy of Sciences of Republic of
Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia 2009 : Doctor of Sciences ( History ), Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of
Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia 2007 : Professor of History , Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia ,
Yerevan , Armenia 1992 : Assoc . Professor ( Docent ) of Middle and Near East History , State Committee of USSR of Higher Education , Moscow , Russia
1983 : Ph . D ., History , Institute of Oriental Studies , National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia
EDUCATION & TRAINING : 1999 : German Study Program ( High Level ), Goethe-Institute , Gottingen , Germany 1978 - 1980 : Post-Graduate Program ( Aspirantura ) on World History and History of Turkey , Institute of Oriental Studies , National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia
1972 - 1977 : Higher Education – University Diploma on Turkish Studies and Armenian Studies , Yerevan State University , Department of Oriental Studies , Yerevan , Armenia
1992 - 1996 : Deputy Director , Department of Political Analysis , Administration of the President of Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia
1991 - 1992 : Senior Expert on International Relations , Department of Political Analysis and Information , Supreme Soviet of Armenia , Yerevan , Armenia
Diplomatic Service : 1996 - 1997 : Counselor of the Embassy , Embassy of Armenia in Germany , Bonn , Germany
International Academic Positions : 2001 – 2002 : Fulbright Visiting Senior Scholar , Institute of Slavic , East European & Eurasian
Studies , University of California - Berkeley , Berkeley , USA 1999 - 2000 : G . Foster Visiting Fellow ( A . von Humboldt Foundation ), Institute of East European
Studies , Ruhr University , Bochum , Germany