2022-annualreport | Page 63


is a living classroom for the women of City of Joy where they learn agropastoral and permaculture techniques .
employs 129 workers including 75 men and 54 women ( including 22 COJ graduates ).
feeds the residents of City of Joy .
Weekly supplies are transported from the farm to City of Joy .
provides a bounty of crops , from carrots , cassava , and corn to tomatoes , soya , and bean crops , encouraging biodiversity of the land . The farm livestock consists of 216 pigs , 186 rabbits , 260 goats and 125 sheep . Rice production covering an area of 5 hectares . Fish production covering an area of 5.16 hectares . Vegetable production unit covering an area of 2 hectares .
is now producing coffee !
To achieve all of this , farm staff focuses on the following areas :
• The livestock production unit has pigs , rabbits , goats and sheep
• Fish production covering an area of 5.16 hectares
• Rice production covering an area of 5 hectares
• Vegetable production unit covering an area of 2 hectares
• A drainage system covering 4.4 hectares
• A newly built 4.4 km road , which facilitates easy transportation of food
• Reforestation production unit covering an area of 19.8 hectares
Another powerful aspect of the farm is the communal farming program that is run in collaboration with neighboring populations , just adjacent to the farm . We currently have 271 local farmers who participate in this symbiotic program , as their work at the farm provides significant additional manpower , lowering production costs ( because to achieve the production targets , the area planted would require additional labor costs ).
Approximately 29,000 trees have been planted , and extensive new roads and bridges now run through the farm . The warehouse contains offices as well as machine rooms and storage for new machines used to harvest rice , corn and flour which were purchased through the sale of the surplus of the harvest from the farm . Graduates who work at the farm inhabit two houses . Septic tank , waste well and water tanks service the buildings . Drinking water storage tanks supply water to the animals and to the staff who work and live on the farm . The farm runs on sustainable - clean energy , powered by a solar array which is installed on the Administration Building . The array contains 14,000 kilowatts and the energy generated from the system plays an important role as it helps prevents such food as meat and fish from rotting . Electricity is permanent and contributes to the security of the buildings and animals in the night . We also have an infirmary to address any medical needs the staff may have .
The future vision is to transform agricultural products into finished products , especially soya grains for the production of oil and soya milk , and sunflower for oil production .