2022-annualreport | Page 49

AUSTRIA Held numerous OBR flashmobs leading up to their main Artistic Rising events last May 5th with prominent Austrian artists and speakers .
ZAMBIA Risings took place in school focusing on violence , reporting and empowerment . Held other risings - a workshop attended by police , legal practitioners and NGOs on children ’ s rights ; discussions on child protection with priests ; and participation in advocating for their Access to Information Bill .
ITALY Had a national OBR Italy event online with activists , artists , journalists and various organizations who have been involved with OBR from the beginning – with the focus on the involvement of men – alongside various OBR flashmobs around the country .
TOGO Film screenings on OBR theme in schools ; interviews with women on domestic violence ; a March 8th event led by domestic workers .
PORTUGAL Held a “ dance temple ” where they created an altar out of natural materials in the shape of a vulva , where they had fire and water and where people were invited to sit , reflect , pray , cry , meditate , gift something to the altar , witness the inner movements and feelings while dancing with the body and the earth body .
GHANA Had various provincial and rural community gatherings , with queen mothers , community leaders , women farmers , shop owners , students , to discuss the vision of OBR .