2022 Annual Meeting and Alumni Reunion Schedule 2022 AMAR Schedule | Page 42

2022 Annual Meeting and Alumni Reunion
Category : Clinical Research Candidate : Yangjiani Li Poster #: C8
Age-controlled Correlation Between Oral Glucose Tolerance Test ( OGTT ) and Thicknesses of Ten Retinal Layers in Non-diabetes and Prediabetes Participants from macular optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) volume scans
Yangjiani Li , Franziska G . Rauscher , Mengyu Wang , Mohammad Eslami , Jennifer K . Sun , Konstantina Sampani , Kerstin Wirkner , Markus Loeffler , Joachim Thiery , Anke Tönjes , Thomas Ebert , Christoph Engel , Tobias Elze
Purpose : People with prediabetes are at higher risk of developing diabetes . We investigate the age-controlled relationship between glucose parameters and ten retinal layer thicknesses in optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) macular volume scans of non-diabetic and prediabetic participants with / without glaucoma in a large study . The fasting , 30-min , and 2-h plasma glucose ( FPG , 30-min PG , and 2-h PG ) during an oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) were employed .
Methods : All eyes of non-diabetic and prediabetic participants with available OGTT and OCT scans from the population-based , sex- and age-stratified LIFE-Adult study ( age range : 20-80 ) were included . Macular volume scans ( 97 horizontal B-scans with 512 A-scans each ) from Spectralis OCT were automatically segmented into ten layers ( Figure 1 ) after exclusion of unreliable B-scans ( quality < 20 dB ). Pointwise partial Pearson correlation during OGTT adjusted for age was calculated . The analysis was repeated excluding participants with self-reported glaucoma diagnosis or medication .
Results : Figure 2 visualizes the age-controlled correlation of glucose level and A-scans in each layer from 5532 eyes of 2787 participants , including 128 participants with glaucoma . For FPG , a predominantly negative correlation ( red ) with layer thicknesses of RNFL , ONL , and MZ and a positive correlation ( blue ) with EZ and OS were observed ( Figure 2A ). Similar correlation patterns were found for 30-min PG with layer thicknesses of RNFL , MZ , and EZ , with a slightly increasing negative correlation with layer thicknesses of GCL and IPL ( Figure 2B ). For 2-h PG , there is an apparent negative correlation with layer thicknesses of GCL , IPL , and MZ ( Figure 2C ). The correlation patterns remained unchanged when participants with glaucoma were excluded .
Conclusions : There were specific correlation patterns between retinal layer thicknesses and measures during OGTT . With the prolongation of the time post-glucose intake , higher glucose level was more clearly related to thinner GCL and IPL and firmly associated with thinner MZ , while the correlation with RNFL , ONL , EZ , and OS became less pronounced . Macular layer thicknesses could be an early indication of the retinal structural change prior to diabetes and in this cohort did not seem to be impacted by comorbidity of glaucoma .