2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 78

Sexual Misconduct , Dating Violence , Domestic Violence , Stalking , Sexual Harassment , and Other Acts of Sex and Gender Discrimination +
Siena Heights University Student Code of Conduct and the Employee Handbook prohibits sexually violent acts , termed “ Sexual Misconduct ” by the University , which can be crimes as well . Sexual misconduct includes non-consensual sexual intercourse , non-consensual sexual conduct , sexual exploitation , interpersonal / relationship violence , stalking , and sexual
Items noted with an * will be provided in writing as a stand-alone document to victims of Sexual Misconduct , Dating Violence , Domestic Violence , Stalking , Sexual Harassment , and Other Acts of Sex and Gender Discrimination .
+ indicates information provided to employees and students in writing .
harassment . While the University utilizes different standards ( Preponderance of the evidence for both student and employee conduct +) and definitions than the State of Michigan Code , sexual misconduct often overlaps with the crimes of rape , sexual assault , sexual harassment , stalking , dating violence , and domestic violence . Victims of these behaviors are protected by federal laws , specifically Title IX , and the Clery Act , which mandates the contents of this report .
It is the policy of Siena Heights University to notify local law enforcement when sexual misconduct occurs that rises to the level of a violation of the State of Michigan Code ( see definitions section in this document ). * A victim has the right to decline reporting to law enforcement , unless an emergency requires disclosure . * Victims have the option to notify law enforcement directly , or to be assisted in doing so by campus authorities . * If requested , campus officials can facilitate reporting to local law enforcement .
In an effort to reduce the risk of sexual misconduct as well as the crimes of rape , sexual assault , sexual harassment , stalking , dating violence , and domestic violence occurring among the University community , the University utilizes a range of campaigns , strategies , and initiatives to promote awareness , education , risk reduction , and prevention programming .
It is the policy of Siena Heights University to offer programming to identify and prevent domestic violence , dating violence , sexual assault ( including stranger and known offender assaults ), and stalking each year . Educational programs are offered to raise awareness for all incoming students and new employees , and are often conducting during new student and new employee orientation . Programs and other campaigns offered throughout the year to all students and employees include strong messages regarding not just awareness , but also primary prevention ( including normative