2022-23 SHU Campus Safety Handbook | Page 4

Siena Heights University Department of Public Safety prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act . The full text of this report can be located on our web site at www . sienaheights . edu . Hard copies are also available by contacting Public Safety at 517.264.7800 or 517.264.7194 . This report is prepared in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding our main campus and alternate sites , Residence Life , the Student Conduct Officer , the Division of Student Life , SHU TIPS , and Campus Security Authorities [( CSA ) see page 93 of this document ]. Siena Heights University ’ s internal collaboration for policy disclosure and updated trainings is an annual review with , but not limited to , Title IX Advisory Board , Conduct Office , Site Directors , Human Resources , Student Activities , and CARE team .
Campus crime , arrest , and referral statistics include those reported to SHU DPS , designated CSA ( including but not limited to deans , judicial affairs , advisors to student organizations , site directors , athletic coaches , student services directors ), and local law enforcement agencies . These statistics may also include crimes that have occurred in private residences or businesses and is not required by law . Counseling and Health Services inform their clients of the procedures to report crime on a voluntary basis , should they feel it is in the best interest of the client . There is no policy for complete confidentiality since all reports of crime will be investigated fully . Counselors and Pastoral Counselors are exempt from disclosing personal information . Counselling Services provide confidential services and the Counseling Center reports crime statistics without any personally identifiable information .
Each year , an e-mail notification is made via the Siena Heights University broadcast e-mail system notifying faculty / staff / students of the availability of the safety handbook and crime statistics for the previous three calendar years . All prospective employees may obtain a copy from the University web site at www . sienaheights . edu or request a hard copy from Public Safety at 517.264.7800 .
Sixty day crime log ( updated within two business days ) for the Adrian campus is available at the Welcome Center in the lobby of Ledwidge Hall , open twenty-four hours a day . Southfield campus has the crime log available during business hours at the administrative office , and all other campuses crime logs are available through the host campus safety departments ( see Emergency Services section of this document ). Crime logs do not contain personal identifying information and will not be included in published record keeping .
This Annual Safety Report covers all of the Siena Heights University campuses , all policy disclosers and procedures are applicable to all students and employees on all campuses unless specifically noted as different .